Monday, December 7, 2020

A Dog's Way HomeSeries OverDrive: ebooks, audiobooks, and more for libraries and schools

This AMAZING book is the story of a mix breed dog who gets banned out of Denver which has breed discrimination laws. The dog is a mix because it shows how these absurd laws require nothing more than an animal control officer with an agenda to get your dog banned. The other person who answered could not be more wrong, statistically speaking you are more likely to get bit by a dachshund than a pit bull. People who are against BDL will CHEER for this book.

a dog's way home series

The book is wonderful because it is an epic tale of a two year journey of love through the Colorado wilderness, as Bella makes her way hundreds of miles back to her soul mate, Lucas. Also, it's a true love poem to cats, if like me you are also a cat lover. With four hundred miles of dangerous Colorado wilderness separating one brave dog from her beloved person, Bella sets off on a seemingly impossible and completely unforgettable adventure home.

Friend Reviews

During that journey Bella encounters many people and touches each of their lives, just as they touch hers. This book surprised me at every turn, which is something Cameron is the master of doing. And I loved the fact that Bella is a girl, and that a lot of her take on things seems to come from a female understanding of life, and the importance of mothering and care taking. I was randomly selected to receive a copy of this book prior to publication--I don't receive any compensation for posting this review. Bella was rescued as a puppy by a kind hearted boy, Lucas.

a dog's way home series

I didn't know they were cats, of course — I just knew they were creatures not like me, present in our den but not attempting to nurse alongside me. Later, when I came to see that they were small and fast and lithe, I realized they were not only "not dogs," but were their own distinct kind of animal. This drama written and directed by Megan Park sees the devastating effects of a school shooting on a group of high school students.

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Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. I never leave reviews, but I was so unhappy with the book I felt compelled to do so. After watching the movie I enjoyed it so much i ordered the book, thinking the book is always better.

a dog's way home series

I was introduced to your books while facing saying goodbye to my companion dog of 14 years. I was given your A Dog's Purpose and it helped me get through the rough final days. I've since read A Dog's Journey, The Dogs of Christmas, and Emory's Gift. Plus I have The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man , and The Dog Master sitting here to read. I was randomly chosen by the publisher to read a advanced copy of this book and loved every minute of it. Mr. W. Bruce Cameron I think this could be your best book yet.

Shelby’s Story Publisher's Summary

Consequently, the businessman raises some questions as to the breed of Bella and has her “labeled” a Pit Bull, which are not allowed in the city. For the safety and health of Bella, the rescuer places Bella in a foster home in a place where Pit Bulls are legally allowed. The story begins when Bella is a puppy living with her mother and littermates, as well as a feral cat colony, under an abandoned house soon to be demolished so the land can be developed.

a dog's way home series

I was probably 8 years old, playing in the back yard of our house in Prairie Village, KS, when my dad opened the gate and in rushed a 9-week-old Labrador puppy. I fell to my knees and spread my arms and that dog leaped into them as if we had loved each other our whole lives. It’s a scene that shows up in A Dog’s Purpose—a puppy and a boy meeting each other the very first time, both of them full of unrestrained joy. This book is another wonderful adventure that exposes the reader to every emotion possible, all while introducing you to a wide range of characters that actually exist in our every-day lives. I was given the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of W.

Good old Bella has a big heart – she always tries to bring joy and comfort to her friends. Some who have read it have called it my best book yet. To see what your friends thought of this book,please sign up. Sony spent $18.8 million on the production of the film.

a dog's way home series

Determined to go back home, Bella sets off on an epic 400 mile adventure and meets new friends, human and otherwise, along the way. Cleared payment cleared payment - opens in a new window or tab. In A Dog’s Way Home, now a major motion picture, Bella escapes from Animal Control and crosses 400 miles of Colorado wilderness to make it back home to her new owners.

Must Reads

But its PG rating would probably be most affected if Bella actually caught any of the squirrels and rabbits she periodically pursues, which would have turned the film into a very different kind of nature story. One of them is Bella, who finds a loving new family with young VA hospital worker Lucas (Jonah Hauer-King) and his war veteran mother Terri , whose depression promptly lifts with the arrival of the lovable puppy. Taking part in the dog-oriented family fun is Olivia , Lucas’ co-worker and eventual love interest. All that being said I think this one really touched home with me. I am a female Veteran of the USAF who has PTSD from MST. Since my dog crossed the rainbow bridge my triggers, nightmares and just fear of being out in public alone has gotten progressively worse almost back to right after incident.

a dog's way home series

For some reason I had this one on audio and the voices really didn't do it for me, so if you happen to want to read this I would suggest text. That doesn't mean I recommend it though, I loved the Purpose series books but I did not love this one. It's somewhat different, you get the Dogs POV like the others but not the multiple lives and Bailey is not in it.

Read the book to see how she manages to almost always be a “Good Dog” and finally gets to “Go Home” again. It’s a great story that sheds light on Breed Specific Legislation issues, Veteran’s issues, rescue issues, wildlife issues and more. Bruce Cameron’s previous dog-centric books (A Dog’s Journey, A Dog’s Purpose), you know that he is a master at both tugging on our heartstrings and telling a wonderful story from the perspective of a dog.

I delighted in inhaling them, filling my nose with rich, flavorful aromas. I did not know where my mother went when she departed, I only knew how anxious we were until she returned. George Bailey, a decent small-town banker learns what life would have been like if he'd never been born after he unwittingly becomes involved in a mistaken case of bank fraud, which threatens his spirit and tests his will to live. Add it to your Watchlist to receive updates and availability notifications. Will usually dispatch within 2 working days of receiving cleared payment. Includes international tracking, simplified customs clearance, and no extra charges at delivery.

A Dog's Courage

Bella was born and discovered under an abandoned home that had become a shelter of shorts for a litter of kittens and puppies. The home was scheduled to be demolished by a local businessman, in order to make way for “progress”. Bella’s rescuer begins to slow progress for the businessman, trying to get all the animals out from under the house before it is torn down on top of them and kills them all.

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